I like the mechanics of the game very much, and the detail suits my taste for a high order of realism in skirmishing. Two thumbs and two big toes up for Face of Battle.
Faustnik – TMP
FoB is awesome in its detail. Highly recommend these rules if you want a detailed simulation skirmish set.
Probert - TMP
They are my favorite skirmish rules. The rules are extremely detailed but not overly complex,
Brigadeer31 - TMP
This must be the most mechanically realistic game out there.
Brian – BoardGameGeek
Awesome game. You can use varying levels of detail. I've played it over thirty times and it always ends up feeling "real". The armored combat resolution is the best I've found since ASL or Armor/Panzer/88.
minigamer1953 – TMP
The rules are great! The most realistic and detailed you will find out there. Yet they are easy enough to be played by novice players as well. We have used them at conventions with players who had never used them before and it gave them no problems at all (actually about 50% usually go looking for a trader who carries them afterwards) and we have even used them with people who have never even wargamed and it was good for them, too.
14th Brooklyn - DHC Wargaming Club
It really is a skirmish game and is EXCELLENT for groups. With a deck per player, it'll actually make the game go faster, the more people you have. I recommend it heartily. The difference is you don't have to wait for your opponent to hem and haw about what he's going to do next. When you are told what figure to move it's easy to figure out what options they have. Plus, since you and your opponent move at the same time it cuts the game time in half. Definately a great game.
CoyoteH - TMP
FOB is a serious simulation of WW2 skirmish combat. Each soldier activates individually for action using cards drawn from a deck.
Coopman - TMP
The system works well, and as I said, there is very little that I can imagine that couldn’t be covered by the tables. A misconception about the rules is that they are slow. FOB is a very good and detailed set of card driven activation rules.
Rich Jones – Wargames Journal
It is a good set of rules. The mechanics aren't complicated and dice resolution is consistent throughout, so you don't need to know a different set of procedures to roll to hit, morale, skill check, etc. It's comprehensive, which makes it so big.
Ceaser – TMP
Great game. Always love playing it.
Jakar – TMP
It's one of my favourite skirmish level rule-sets. I like the fact that everyone moves simultaneously (I don't care for UGoIGo). If two soldiers "act" at the same time, the event happens at the half-way point. It also tends to force players to maintain their strategy without fully knowing what your opponent is up to. For example, if you are attempting to flank your opponent, at the half-way point, perhaps only half of the squad has moved and it may not be apparent what your opponent is up to until near the end of the turn when it may be too late to do anything about it.
Sunger - TMP
Played two games so far with FoB - one section of British infantry vs 1 section of dismounted panzergrenadiers. Excellent system especially the activation system. The play can be as detailed as you want it to be but the two of us fought both games to conclusion within an afternoon. By half way through the first game we were pretty much rolling without much reference to the charts. Most die rolls are based on an individual soldiers combat rating so by using the squad reference sheet the game flows very well. … cannot recommend FoB enough.
Muncehead – TMP
Michael Ball is a Canadian chap and I have seen him at Historicon. His games are always popular. The rules are comprehensive and well laid out. He also includes a progression of scenarios to help you learn the rules. He uses a card system of initiative that creates an unpredictable sequence of events.
Cheers, Jürgen
I like "Face of Battle" for my 28mm figs. I like the detail (able to customize it) and leadership rules
Leftee – TMP
This is the holy Bible of detailed WWII gaming.
SeattleGamer – TMP
My last battle, two Shermans against a Pak 40 AT gun behind a hedge, PAK fires first leaving one Sherman burning. Second Sherman spots the AT gun and the loader quickly switches rounds from AP to HE, and the gunner gets an HE hit which kills one of the four Pak crew. German NCO passes morale and takes the place of the dead loader. Meanwhile the Sherman loads with HE and fires a burst from the bow MG. A German crew member is hit and walks away wounded. The remaining gunner and his NCO hold at the gun and reload with AP. Turn's almost over but there are more cards. If the PAK fires first, and if it hits, it will certainly penetrate the Sherman's armour at short range. Who will get to fire first? That's almost more fun than is legal.
The Mad Vicar – TMP
The rules have some interesting mechanics that keep both sides active. Definitely worth looking into.
CorpCommander - TMP
The basics to The Face of Modern Battle can be taught in 10 minutes having done that with members of my club. When playing FoMB we usually keep it to 10 to 12 figures per player as this gives a faster game. The largest FoMB game I have ever done had 8 players and 85 figures & 7 vehicles (2 were helicopters), it was a lot of fun and went very smoothly. 6 of the players had never played it before and within a couple of cards were figuring out their own hit Morale calculations. I still say nothing touches FoMB for skirmish. (in my humble opinion)
Bohica – TMP
If details is what you want this set is great.
Tony – TMP
My absolute favorite skirmish set. The basic rules are fairly detailed, and you can add modules from the rulebook as you like. Each one will add more detail but make the game more complicated. Once you get the hang of the resolution system (d100 with extensive modifiers) your games will run smoothly. Handles up to platoon level easily (with a few vehicles). The detail is unparrelled, and the TO&Es in the main rules that cover Germany and USSR are great. I highly recommend these rules for the discerning skirmish gamer.
Probert - TMP
All agreed it was a great game not bogged down with a lot of troops and moved along very smoothly.
Carl – ODMS Gaming Club
Great, highly detailed system for small squad on squad actions.
Axabrax – TMP
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